PDBCOP is a command line based tool which assembles specific details about your X-ray structure model from a PDB file. This tool can:

PDBCOP can be run from command line under Linux.

How to Run:

pdbcop [-l] [-d] [-s] file1 (file2) [shift_tol] [delta_B_tol]

long list: lists all atoms with occupancy different from 0.00 and 1.00
prints out sequence
compares atom positions and B-factors in two PDB files
minimal shift to be printed, default value: 0.2
minimal difference in B to be printed, default value: 3.5
(Alternate locations, occupancies and B-factors are printed only for the first file.)


pdbcop file1.pdb

pdbcop -ls file1.pdb

pdbcop -d 1.pdb 2.pdb Example of output
pdbcop -dl 1.pdb 2.pdb 0.3 5


August 18 2015: bug fixes, check of anisotropic ADP's

July 13 2015: bug fixes