česky ![]() |
For a quick and colorful view of my work, you may have a look at several posters and presentations in PDF format.
Difference between
magnetotransport properties of doped alloys
and doped crystals via ab-initio calculations
Demise of a traditional paradigm
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert
DPG Spring meeting in Regensburg in September 2022.
Ab-initio calculations
of transport properties of doped permalloy
Exploring the effect of the host disorder
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert
Seminar talk at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the
Charles University in Prague in December 2021.
X-ray spectroscopy
with SPR-KKR code
What to take care of
O. Sipr
Talk at the hands-on course on magnetism and spectroscopy in
Daresbury in November 2021.
Dichroism in x-ray spectra
XLD, XMCD, XMLD, and all that jazz
O. Sipr
Talk at the school Green’s function approach to multiple
scattering theory in electronic structure and spectroscopies in Les
Houches in September 2021.
available at Youtube.
Impact of the magnetic dipole
term Tz on x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra
of low-dimensional systems
When you can get rid of it and when you cannot
O. Sipr, H. Ebert, J. Minar
Talk at the symposium on surface physics in Prague in July 2019.
Ab-initio calculations
of the stiffness constants D and Aex for permalloy
doped with V, Gd, and Pt
Which factors really matter?
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert
Talk at the DPG Spring meeting in Regensburg in April 2019.
Comparison of different approaches
to ab-initio calculations of the spin wave stiffness
How to get similar results from equivalent expressions
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert
Talk at the DPG Spring meeting in Berlin in March 2018.
Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy
for studying magnetism:
Some risks and opportunities
O. Sipr
Talk at the seminar at XFEL Hamburg in May 2018.
Broadening calculated spectra
by introducing complex energy:
Possible artefacts close to the edge
O. Sipr
Talk at the EUSpec workshop in Lisbon in February 2018.
Systematic trends of magnetic moments
in clusters and solids: Getting the insight
O. Sipr
Seminar talk at the Institute of Physics in Prague
in December 2017.
Importance of Madelung potential
for magnetism of alloys
Disordered FePt studied via CPA and via supercells
O. Sipr, S. Ayaz Khan, H. Ebert,
P. Blaha, J. Minar
Poster presented at the DFT-17 conference in Tallberg in August 2017.
Illustrative view on the role
of spin-orbit coupling in magnetocrystalline anisotropy of
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, S. Bornemann, J. Minar,
H. Ebert
Talk at the Czech-Israeli workshop on strongly correlated
electrons systems in Prague in November 2016.
Full-potential polarized
XANES calculation by combining pseudopotential and
multiple-scattering methods
A poor-man's solution
O. Sipr
Talk at the MSNano workshop on multiple-scattering approach to
spectroscopy in Rennes in July 2016.
Intuitive view on the magnetic
dipole term Tz occurring in the XMCD sum rules:
Case study of a failed intuition
O. Sipr, J. Vackar, J. Minar, H. Ebert
Talk at the XAFS-16 conference in Karlsruhe in August 2015.
Magnetism of free Rh clusters via
ab-initio calculations:
Which intuitive concepts can or cannot be used
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert, J. Minar
Talk at the DPG-Fruhjahrstagung Sektion Kondensierte Materie
meeting in Berlin in March 2015.
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of
How to make it big?
O. Sipr, S. Mankovsky, S. Bornemann, J. Vackar, H. Ebert, J. Minar
Talk at the CMD25-JMC14 conference in Paris in August
Localization of
magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy
Answering the unanswerable
O. Sipr, S. Bornemann, H. Ebert, J. Minar
Talk at the workshop on relativistic effects in solid in Brno
in May 2013.
Induced magnetic moments
make MAE calculation fun or nightmare
Co ad-atoms and monolayers on Pt(111) and Au(111) in focus
O. Sipr, S. Bornemann, J. Minar, H. Ebert
Talk at the workshop on KKR and
Green functions methods in Halle in July 2011.
Influence of the magnetic dipole
Tz term on the XMCD spectra of clusters
When Tz really messes things up
O. Sipr, J. Minar, J. Vackar and H. Ebert
Talk at the XAFS-14 conference in Camerino in August 2009.
Differences in XANES of
isostructural and isoelectronic delafossites
When similar systems have different XANES
Ondřej Sipr, Francesco Rocca, Antonín Simunek and Paolo
Poster presented at the XAFS-14 conference Camerino in August 2009.
Magnetism and
spectroscopy of clusters
What the SPRKKR package is good for
O. Sipr, J. Minar, S. Polesya, S. Bornemann and Hubert Ebert
Talk at the "Hands-on Course: KKR and Spectroscopy"
in Munchen in June 2009.
Influence of interface mixing
on magnetism of Au4Co11 multilayers
O. Sipr, J. Minar and H. Ebert
A talk presented at the workshop Frontiers in theoretical
magnetism in Prague in October 2006.
of magnetism of free Fe clusters
O. Sipr, S. Bornemann, J. Minar, S. Polesya and H. Ebert
Talk at the Psi-k conference in Schwäbisch Gmünd in September 2005.
Structural aspects of B K edge
XANES of minerals (note: 5.5 M)
O. Sipr, A. Simunek, J. Vackar, F. Rocca and G. Dalba
A talk presented at the 5th International Conference on
Borate glasses, crystals and melts in Trento in July 2005.
Electronic, magnetic and
spectroscopic properties of free Fe clusters
Ondřej Sipr, Michal Kosuth, J. Minar, S. Polesya a Hubert Ebert
A talk presented at the "Hands-on Course: KKR Bandstructure and
Spectroscopy Calculations" in Munich in June 2005.
Magnetic and spectroscopic
properties of free iron clusters.
Ondrej Sipr, Michal Kosuth and Hubert Ebert
A talk presented at the KKR workshop in Munich in February
Magnetic structure of iron
clusters and iron crystal surfaces
Ondrej Sipr, Michal Kosuth and Hubert Ebert
A poster presented at the ECOSS-22 meeting in Prague in September
Similarities and
differences between XANES spectra at analogous edges of ternary
semiconductors CuGaSe2, ZnGeAs2, and
Ondrej Sipr, Jiri Drahokoupil, Pavel Machek and Antonin Simunek
A poster presented at the XAFS-12 conference in Malmo in July
Size- and site-dependence
of XMCD spectra of iron clusters from ab-initio calculations
Ondrej Sipr and Hubert Ebert
A talk presented at the XAFS-12 conference in Malmo in July 2003.
Where is the XANES
photoelectron: Exploring wave function probability densities
Ondrej Sipr
A talk presented at the SRRTNET meeting in
Berkeley in October 2001.