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This part of hard-disk stores data about my non-professional hobbies, interests, nightmares and similar stuff. I hope you will find this material useful and worthy. If not, I don't care...
Now what can you find on this page:
A hobby page should start with hobbies and other interests. How else?
A separate page is devoted to the results of my own research beyond the realm of physics as well as to the religionistic analysis of Harry Potter.
Internet is paid for by advertisments, so in order not to step out of the crowd too much, I am offering you links to few interesting external websites.
Close to the finish, I will get on a very personal level - by focusing on my religious environment but do not get too scared: Soon we will turn to politics.
In general, I am interested in nearly everything while I am an expert almost in nothing. Let me share with you some of my "topics of interest" (again, the material presented here is other people's work):
Science: A brief guide to scientific language.
Aviation technology: If airways were like operating systems....
Car technology: If cars behaved like Windows....
Safety research:
Warning labels mandated by 20th century physics (Note: This is an
"extra-serverial" link).
Also few safety
instructions found on various products.
Antiviral protection: How to protect yourself against the "Work bug".
Data storage technologies: Breaking news on a revolutionary Bio-Optic Organized Knowledge device code-named BOOK.
Sociology: You can read some characteristics of the nineties.
Marriage and partnership: An educational course for women.
Parenthood: A preparational course for perspective
An interface between theology and pedagogy is set in the story why God created children.
Finally lets contemplate few philosopher's notes on
children and parenthood.
And, last but not least, I am also quite interested in Erotics and similar stuff: May I suggest you visiting the most Erotic site on the Web! Or you may just go directly to the pictures if you prefer...
Now watch out: |
A special page is devoted to religionistic analysis of Harry Potter. Actually, it is a whole scientific project and you are encouraged to participate in it.
There's a lot of good sites on the Web (though surely not as many as the bad ones). You will find your way to the majority of good and useful sites via traditional tools, possibly you are more familiar with them than I am. Here I would like to draw your attention to a selection of few sites which are not really important or useful but still worth a look or two. Just for safety reasons let me quote my favourite "daily news" server: "The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites". So here we go:
Do you enjoy cartoon wars? If not, then you may find interesting, e.g., the comment Cartoon conflicts, written by Tariq Ramadan for the Guardian. It is reasonable, so most people will probably not like it.
For curiosity lovers: "Pharsea's home page" represents a refreshing (and, for me up to that moment, inconceivable) combination of a traditional "tridentine" catholicism with a gay-positive approach. (The guy is physicist, that's why I like him...)
Nevertheless, a truly alternative lifestyle is being promoted on the Euro-fam page. (It is no mistake that I am using the word "alternative" here, as the approach they are pursuing seems to be a minority trend in these days - at least according to the "media attention").
A sweet contribution to the "Polish plumber issue", as used in the French political debate, has been produced by the Polish National tourism Office, as you may find in this BBC report on that..
The final-round javelin throw of Barbora Spotakova at the Beijing 2008 Olympics was quite spectacular but it is the enthusiasm of a Finnish TV commentator which makes this video so irresistible. Clearly, this guy must love the javelin! It used to be available also here in a better quality before the bastards from NBC Universal ordered it to be removed.
I find very stimulating the stories related to the activities of Zegota - an underground organization which tried to help the Jews in Poland. Irena Sendlerowa is maybe the most well-know person of this rank. The reason why I like it is that many of the people involved were actually antisemites - such as Zofia Kossak-Szczucka who wrote in 1942 that "we do not stop thinking of [Jews] as ... enemies of Poland". So these people were actually risking their lives in order to support their enemies. Interesting.
Something really politically incorrect: A gallery of pictures to be seen only in Russia. (Okay, I know... But I feel that at least some Russians have the rare a gift of making fun of themselves.)
A charming Reverent Entertainment website offers a lot of fascinating tests and quizzes such as whether a picture was painted by an abstractionist or by a monkey or whether a piece of furniture is a masterpiece of minimalism or an affordable supermarket stuff. Plus lots more. Great site.
Fantastic video depicting persitent effort of a southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) to get to his food. I have not cheered for somebody like that for a long time...
A comprehensive, charming and informative introductory lecture about the Czech Republic (Czechia) within the Geography Now! series. It really is informative, trust me. You will want to watch it.
Writing on the wall:
"God is dead." Nietzsche.
"Nietzsche is dead." God.
This page is located on a server connected to the CESNET network, meaning that any religious propaganda is strictly prohibited. To be on the safe side, I am not going to disclose my religion preferences (in fact I might not do it in any case, not being a candidate in an american presidential contest).
Nevertheless, I'd like to share with you some results of a purely neutral religionistic research. To avoid possible confusion - these are results of other people's research, not my own! (I am reporting about my own non-physical research on a different place).
So here is list of my favourite religionistic themes:
Exegesis: You may find few useful hints how to read the Bible in "Hermeneutics in everyday life".
The intriguing question of nationality of Jesus is thoroughly explored.
An alternative (and, this time, politically correct!) view of creation of man is presented.
Explore the apocalyptic beast and especially its number.
The regulations mentioned in the religion section fully apply to politics as well. So I again just plainly state that I am not active in politics - apart from watching it, creating my own opinion about it and casting my vote whenever given the opportunity.
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